Tuesday 26 February 2008


A couple of years ago I invented a special attachment for dinner plates at Christmas.

The original concept started as a special plate with a hole in it. It had a tube attached to the bottom (obviously the hole has a raised rim to prevent gravy going down it). The idea is that you can put your brussels sprouts down the hole and they go down the tube and into the hutch of a grateful rabbit or guinea pig. If you don't have a rabbit or guinea pig, the tube can just go into a bucket, the contents of which are taken to the compost heap of a wizened old allotment owner later. At other times of year it could be used for that nasty curly lettuce which reataurants and chefs on TV use all the time, but which basically just tastes like paracetomol. However, this would require some kind of suction device at the hutch end of the tube as lettuce does not have the rolling qualities of a brussels sprout. I fear this may make the cost prohibitive scare the rabbit.

After a little bit of extra brainstorming, I decided not to go for a hole in the actual plate, but a funnel type affair which can clamp onto the side of your plate or table and feed into the down tube. The advantages are obvious. Consumers will now not have to fork out for a whole new set of holey crockery or drill big holes in their tables, but instead can keep using their favourite plates and just pull them near the table edge when engaging in sprout disposal. The device can also be taken to restaurants and dinner parties provided they don't mind you bringing your rabbit. Come to think of it, I reckon most rerstaurants would mind you bringing your rabbit.

Therefore, what we need is some kind of cute furry animal and cage concealment device. That is, a device which can conceal cute furry animals in their cages rather than a cute device which can conceal furry animals in their cages or a device which can conceal cute furry animals and cute furry cages. Cages are generally neither cute nor furry, so inventing a concealment device for cute furry cages would be a massive waste of time and resources. And the device itself need not be cute unless our primary target market is pre-teenage girls.

Now I just need a financial backer with huge piles of cash and we can go into production.

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