Now at first glance you may think I am just having a laugh with this. But in actual fact, I genuinely believe that if everybody in the world were able to shake off their fears and inhibitions in the way that Myles and I have done, world peace would indeed ensue.
Fear stifles creativity in humans and lack of creativity means that human problems are not solved. Think about the conflicts in the world, two bitterly opposed sides with viewpoints that have barely changed for centuries. Why have they barely changed? Because everyone is scared to do something different. Scared to stand up and say 'Hang on a minute, we've been doing this for hundreds of years, and nothing has changed. Maybe let's brainstorm some brand new ideas?'
Everyone is too scared of 'what others might think' if they stand up and challenge the (LONG) established views of their country or their religion with brand new and perhaps 'weird' ideas.
Let us shake off inhibition and live proper, happy, uninhibited lives. Let us be beautiful creative individuals and use our creativity to solve the problems that can easily be solved if enough people just have the balls to say 'FUCK THIS SHIT'
The dance like an idiot idea grew out of one that my brother came up with, which was to spend the defense budget of every country on chocolate cake and hot tubs. You can't be in a bad mood when you have been in a hot tub for half an hour and then had some chocolate cake. So give the troubled hot spots of the world hot tubs. Give them chocolate cake. See what happens. It has to be better than getting some immensely rich folks who nobody really trusts to sit round a table and talk about it. At the very least make them do their negotiations in hot tubs. See how the men are smiling in the picture below!
Maybe a little off the wall. Maybe we should stop people starving first. OK. Good point. Any idea how much those defense budgets come to? Enough for food and hot tubs I'll wager.
I am not saying that idiotic dancing will directly stop all conflict. It is just a medium through which people can come to realise that all the fear and anger that they build up inside and eventually direct at one or more groups of 'outsiders' is not necessary at all and can be shed. It can be replaced with love and fun and friendship.
I really urge you all to just try it and see how you feel afterwards.
Already Myles and I appear to have a fine fledgling friendship in the making. The group unites people from several countries already and I have myself some other fine new friends. Well worth 5 minutes of silliness, I can assure you.
Dance Like An Idiot For World Peace
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